Interested in teaching? Passionate about sharing knowledge? Want to learn more about education? Looking for more resources at the University? Look no further! Come learn with us the American Society for Engineering Education Student Chapter at the University of Michigan.
Join us for dinner to kick off our event series, “Exploring the Teaching Side of Academia.”
RSVP is required. Dinner will be provided. RSVP here:
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
We will have a presentation from our very own faculty advisor Dr. Susan Montgomery, experienced educator and instructor of the annual Teaching Engineering for Graduate Students course about the resources available to graduate students who are interested in developing their teaching skills, along with testimonies from students who have utilized these resources.
After the presentation, we will have time for networking and discussion to get to know each other and we will let you know about the other events upcoming in the series this fall.
The Johnson Rooms, 3rd Floor
Lurie Engineering Center
1221 Beal Ave, North Campus