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February 25, 2019 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2540 GGB (grand conference room)
Dr. Rick Hill, Assistant Dean for Research and External Initiatives in the College of Engineering & Science at the University of Detroit Mercy, will be joining us for a discussion about his career path as part of our “Exploring the Teaching Side of Academia” series, which is sponsored by a CoE Graduate Student Community Grant.
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Monday, Feb 25, 4-5pm
2540 GGB (grand conference room)
Who should attend?
Anyone considering a career path in academia or with an interest in teaching – whether you’re just trying to decide if that’s the path you want to take, or whether you’re already applying to positions. Dr. Hill will be speaking about his experience, as well as talking about the differences between working at Detroit Mercy and what we see here at UM. While anyone is welcome, the discussion will be of most interest to graduate students and postdocs.