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December 12, 2018 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
3316 EECS
ASEE members have been invited to join the EER lab bake-off. It’s an informal gathering of people interested in EER at U-M, and so it would be a good opportunity for ASEE members to come and meet other grad students and faculty in EER. The event will take place Wednesday, December 12th from 3:30pm-4:30pm in 3316 EECS. Everyone is invited to attend (yes, you!) and enjoy the competitive baked goods and other non-sugar-filled snacks (which we will provide). Everyone is also invited to bring additional desserts to share, but this is certainly not required.
Following the bake-off we will have an unofficial (i.e. not officially sponsored or funded by the EER program or ASEE) outing to Rappourt Brew & Chew on Plymouth Road. You are welcome to join us at Rappourt even if you can’t make the bake off earlier.